Dr. P. SuprajaFaculty ConvenorI Teach to Learn, I Learn to Teach
Gita Alekhya PaulTechnical Co-organizerWhy spend 10 minutes in manual work, when you can spend 10 hours automating it?
Aniruddha GhoshTechnicalI am the only one whom you can't understand.👀
Vyshakh Gopakumar NairCreative Co-organizer~$ echo -e eGRnLW9wZW4gaHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS8yWklwRnl0Q1NWYw==| base64 -d | bash
Ratanshi PuriCorporate Co-organizerIntrigued by demons and daemons!
Root [Admins]
Aadesh SreenivasanCorporateCurious Explorer Achieving Success✨✨
Khushi UpadhyayCorporate"Passionate individual, an active learner always ready to absorb knowledge and embrace new experiences."
Jayesh GabaCyber Securityiisiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiiioddddddddddddddoddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddo
Mann Kumar AttriCreativesYou can't wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club
Devesh PatelDevelopmentFinding end-points between life.
Bhumi BhadoriaDevelopmentliving every threshold of me
Abhinav Shandilya CreativesSober yet quite whimsical
Saransh SinhaDevelopmentKnows a LITTLE of a LOT of things!
Thamizhiniyan C SCyber SecuritySimple...Unique...Perfect...
Sudoer [Leads]
Sumedh SawantDevelopmentVirtual DOM , Real results:)
Vedant SinghDevelopmentExploring endless possibilities
Arnav SharmaDevelopmentInheriting Intelligence into Machine
Augnik BanerjeeDevelopmentHello world("printf")
Sticky Bit [Associates]
Yatharth BhatiaDevelopmentFull-time smile generator, part-time adventure seeker, and secret code whisperer when the bugs start talking.
Utkarsh JaiswalDevelopmenti do things
Vinayak Chandra SuryavanshiDevelopmentThe moment you stop learning your growth becomes Stagnant.
Sabarish SriramDevelopmentThere is always one more bug to fix.
Adnan AliDevelopmentFinding what's meaningful
Akshat AgarwalDevelopment🤷‍♂️
Binary [Members]
Kushagra SinghalDevelopmentMeasuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight
Kavyansh KumarDevelopmentFull Stack Developer | Make it !